Men are going through a crisis.
We have a culture that is constantly dismantling anything that has to do with manhood, and a church that too often tries to tame and domesticate the masculinity of Jesus until it is barely recognizable.
Men are more isolated than ever and we’re seeing younger generations suffer from the confusion and desperation that comes from not having input or wisdom passed down from older generations that have experienced and transformed the pain they’re going through.
While many look at the world around us with expectation that the worst is yet to come, we believe God isn’t done yet.
“In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.”
Acts 2:17 NIV
Maybe you had dreams for your life, or a vision for what it could be. Maybe you’ve gotten tired waiting for the dream to come. Or maybe you’ve spent so much time focusing on surviving that you haven’t had time to dream at all.
Your season is changing
God is imparting dreams and visions to men young and old for what kingdom life could look like outside of our boring, Sunday morning Christianity. It comes when we surround ourselves with a community of challenge and encouragement.
“If you hang out with chickens, you’re going to cluck and if you hang out with eagles, you’re going to fly.”
We’ve been seeing radical transformation, growth, and acceleration in the lives of men through community and deep discipleship!
Now we’re making this community accessible to you!

Men are going through a crisis.
We have a culture that is constantly dismantling anything that has to do with manhood, and a church that too often tries to tame and domesticate the masculinity of Jesus until it is barely recognizable.
Men are more isolated than ever and we’re seeing younger generations suffer from the confusion and desperation that comes from not having input or wisdom passed down from older generations that have experienced and transformed the pain they’re going through.
While many look at the world around us with expectation that the worst is yet to come, we believe God isn’t done yet.
“In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.”
Acts 2:17 NIV
Maybe you had dreams for your life, or a vision for what it could be. Maybe you’ve gotten tired waiting for the dream to come. Or maybe you’ve spent so much time focusing on surviving that you haven’t had time to dream at all.
Your season is changing
God is imparting dreams and visions to men young and old for what kingdom life could look like outside of our boring, Sunday morning Christianity. It comes when we surround ourselves with a community of challenge and encouragement.
“If you hang out with chickens, you’re going to cluck and if you hang out with eagles, you’re going to fly.”
We’ve been seeing radical transformation, growth, and acceleration in the lives of men through community and deep discipleship!
Now we’re making this community accessible to you!

Are you the man you dreamed of becoming when you were a little boy?
What is JourneyMen?
JourneyMen is an online and (in some areas) local community focused on connecting and growing in the kingdom and as men. We do this through a platform where we can provide courses, live coaching, men’s challenges, and venues for discussion and vulnerability. Gary and his team have over 75 years of combined experience helping men to find freedom and you’ll find a perfect place for sharing life stories and getting great leadership and teaching
JourneyMen Free
JourneyMen Community

Gary is a husband of one, father of six, and grandfather of four, an entrepreneur, ministry leader, and prophetic life coach for companies, start-ups, and individuals. Born in Colorado in 1966, he grew up a cowboy: rodeos, horse shows, and many hunts with his dad.

Here’s what people are saying about Gary and his ministry!
Fellow JourneyMen,
For over three decades I have been waiting for something that will turn the world upside down.
I started my entrepreneurial ministry life at the age of twenty-five, and the very first prophetic word that someone spoke over me was, “Gary, you are marked by a mandate; God says Malachi 4:5-6 over you life, you will be part of a movement that will turn the hearts of the fathers to the sons and daughters, and the sons and daughters hearts back to the fathers. You are marked by the Malachi Mandate!”
At the age of 25, I did not fully understand what that word meant, but I trusted the man giving it to me, and I knew in my heart, way deep in my gut that it was true. So, my journey of becoming a man, and helping others do the same began.
If you are reading this letter, I believe you may be feeling the same strange ‘knowing’ in your gut that the world needs men. Your heart is telling you that something must shift and that we as men are the foundation to make that happen.
If all of the statistics are true; 51% of every home in America has no father, suicide rates among our military and young people rising exponentially, 50-year-old men around the world killing themselves more than ever before, overdoses, abuse, school killings, politics, and so much more, maybe it’s on you and me to stop waiting for something to change, and we bring the change!
Maybe, like me, at times you feel church just isn’t enough anymore.
Maybe, like me, at times you feel alone at Christian, marketing and business conferences, Church gatherings, or even in your own business/company.
Because the truth is, if we continue to just do the norm, the generations will be lost in a sea of radical feminism, the loss of our country’s values, and a world system that says “Men do not matter, and in fact, they are what is destroying everything.”
Is it finally time?
Maybe you and I have way more passion and ambition than most of the people in our companies and church about the next generation about the fatherlessness that is destroying our families.
And maybe you have already discovered, or are about to discover, that you are probably way more committed to doing what is right in the eyes of God and young people than what we see from most other Churches, businesses, and entrepreneurs.
We have military men, businessmen, fathers, grandfathers, pastors, and a whole generation that feel they don’t belong.
That is why we started JourneyMen.
We were tired of not having a tribe, we were tired of not having men invest in men.
A tribe of people that get us, that are like us, a tribe of people that love God and His Kingdom, and want to see a multigenerational movement of men living fully alive.
JourneyMen is an opportunity to be part of a community like this and learn how to apply the principles of the Kingdom to see a generation of men come back to life, and not only lead but disciple others.
You’ll also receive practical, hands-on, directional, step-by-step instruction/courses, live teachings, daily devotionals, intense hikes, and so much more. You will know how to be a son, how to father well, how to live holistically, and how to disciple other men through training on becoming a warrior, a lover, a sage, and finally, a king.
You are in the right place.
I invite you to click the button and join us on our JourneyMen App. Men from every generation and walk of life will form a culture and community of healthy, thriving, and wild men of God that will take the earth back.
Your guide,

Fellow JourneyMen,
For over three decades I have been waiting for something that will turn the world upside down.
I started my entrepreneurial ministry life at the age of twenty-five, and the very first prophetic word that someone spoke over me was, “Gary, you are marked by a mandate; God says Malachi 4:5-6 over you life, you will be part of a movement that will turn the hearts of the fathers to the sons and daughters, and the sons and daughters hearts back to the fathers. You are marked by the Malachi Mandate!”
At the age of 25, I did not fully understand what that word meant, but I trusted the man giving it to me, and I knew in my heart, way deep in my gut that it was true. So, my journey of becoming a man, and helping others do the same began.
If you are reading this letter, I believe you may be feeling the same strange ‘knowing’ in your gut that the world needs men. Your heart is telling you that something must shift and that we as men are the foundation to make that happen.
If all of the statistics are true; 51% of every home in America has no father, suicide rates among our military and young people rising exponentially, 50-year-old men around the world killing themselves more than ever before, overdoses, abuse, school killings, politics, and so much more, maybe it’s on you and me to stop waiting for something to change, and we bring the change!
Maybe, like me, at times you feel church just isn’t enough anymore.
Maybe, like me, at times you feel alone at Christian, marketing and business conferences, Church gatherings, or even in your own business/company.
Because the truth is, if we continue to just do the norm, the generations will be lost in a sea of radical feminism, the loss of our country’s values, and a world system that says “Men do not matter, and in fact, they are what is destroying everything.”
Is it finally time?
Maybe you and I have way more passion and ambition than most of the people in our companies and church about the next generation about the fatherlessness that is destroying our families.
And maybe you have already discovered, or are about to discover, that you are probably way more committed to doing what is right in the eyes of God and young people than what we see from most other Churches, businesses, and entrepreneurs.
We have military men, businessmen, fathers, grandfathers, pastors, and a whole generation that feel they don’t belong.
That is why we started JourneyMen.
We were tired of not having a tribe, we were tired of not having men invest in men.
A tribe of people that get us, that are like us, a tribe of people that love God and His Kingdom, and want to see a multigenerational movement of men living fully alive.
JourneyMen is an opportunity to be part of a community like this and learn how to apply the principles of the Kingdom to see a generation of men come back to life, and not only lead but disciple others.
You’ll also receive practical, hands-on, directional, step-by-step instruction/courses, live teachings, daily devotionals, intense hikes, and so much more. You will know how to be a son, how to father well, how to live holistically, and how to disciple other men through training on becoming a warrior, a lover, a sage, and finally, a king.
You are in the right place.
I invite you to click the button and join us on our JourneyMen App. Men from every generation and walk of life will form a culture and community of healthy, thriving, and wild men of God that will take the earth back.
Your guide,

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